O "National Geographic Explorer", é um dos mais belos navios
da expedição nos mares, capaz de atingir algumas das praias mais
remotas do planeta, oferecendo-lhe uma experiência de primeira classe a
bordo. O navio
acomoda 148 pessoas em 81 cabines espaçosas e está equipado com as mais
recentes ferramentas de exploração.
áreas públicas incluem um lounge e bar, um spa , um centro de fitness,
uma sauna seca e uma variedade de opções de restaurantes que oferecem
cozinha de inspiração regional com ingredientes frescos e locais. Biblioteca
bem abastecida do Explorer oferece um refúgio tranquilo, enquanto o
deck oferece deslumbrantes espaços de observação para ver esculpidas
icebergs da Antártida e os fiordes íngremes paredes da Noruega.O
navio transporta caiaques e uma frota motorizada de embarcações
de desembarque, bem como hidrofones, câmeras de alta definição e
equipamentos de vídeo sofisticada, que permite o acesso ao mundo
subaquático. Há projetos de veículos operados remotamente imagens profundezas do oceano para as telas no salão.
médico em tempo integral, um especialista em submarinos, um instrutor
de foto, um cronista de vídeo, e um especialista em bem-estar acompanham
cada viagem, e acesso à Internet e serviço de lavandaria estão
disponíveis a bordo. O nosso capitão e os oficiais receber os convidados para a ponte, de acordo com a política "Ponte Open".
Veja mais em: http://www.nationalgeographicexpeditions.com/why/ships/explorer # sthash.qeCXrSZZ.dpuf

Our flagship, the
National Geographic Explorer,
is one of the finest expedition ships on the seas, able to reach some
of the planet's most remote shores while offering you a first-rate
experience on board. A state-of-the-art, ice-class expedition ship, the
Explorer accommodates 148 guests in 81 spacious cabins and is outfitted
with the latest tools for exploration.
Public areas include a lounge and bar, a spa, a fitness center, a
sauna, and a selection of dining options that offer regionally inspired
cuisine using fresh, local ingredients. The
well-stocked library provides a quiet refuge, while the deck offers
stunning observation spaces for viewing Antarctica's sculpted icebergs
Norway's steep-walled fjords.
The ship carries kayaks and a fleet of Zodiac motorized landing craft,
as well as hydrophones, HD cameras, and sophisticated video equipment
that allows access to the underwater world. A remotely operated vehicle
projects images from the ocean's depths to screens in the lounge.
A full-time doctor, an undersea specialist, a photo instructor, a
video chronicler, and a wellness specialist accompany every voyage; and
Internet access and laundry service are available on board. Our captain
and officers welcome guests to the bridge in accordance with our "Open
Bridge" policy.
- See more at: http://www.nationalgeographicexpeditions.com/why/ships/explorer#sthash.qeCXrSZZ.dpuf
Our flagship, the
National Geographic Explorer,
is one of the finest expedition ships on the seas, able to reach some
of the planet's most remote shores while offering you a first-rate
experience on board. A state-of-the-art, ice-class expedition ship, the
Explorer accommodates 148 guests in 81 spacious cabins and is outfitted
with the latest tools for exploration.
Public areas include a lounge and bar, a spa, a fitness center, a
sauna, and a selection of dining options that offer regionally inspired
cuisine using fresh, local ingredients. The
well-stocked library provides a quiet refuge, while the deck offers
stunning observation spaces for viewing Antarctica's sculpted icebergs
Norway's steep-walled fjords.
The ship carries kayaks and a fleet of Zodiac motorized landing craft,
as well as hydrophones, HD cameras, and sophisticated video equipment
that allows access to the underwater world. A remotely operated vehicle
projects images from the ocean's depths to screens in the lounge.
A full-time doctor, an undersea specialist, a photo instructor, a
video chronicler, and a wellness specialist accompany every voyage; and
Internet access and laundry service are available on board. Our captain
and officers welcome guests to the bridge in accordance with our "Open
Bridge" policy.
- See more at: http://www.nationalgeographicexpeditions.com/why/ships/explorer#sthash.qeCXrSZZ.dpuf
Our flagship, the
National Geographic Explorer,
is one of the finest expedition ships on the seas, able to reach some
of the planet's most remote shores while offering you a first-rate
experience on board. A state-of-the-art, ice-class expedition ship, the
Explorer accommodates 148 guests in 81 spacious cabins and is outfitted
with the latest tools for exploration.
Public areas include a lounge and bar, a spa, a fitness center, a
sauna, and a selection of dining options that offer regionally inspired
cuisine using fresh, local ingredients. The
well-stocked library provides a quiet refuge, while the deck offers
stunning observation spaces for viewing Antarctica's sculpted icebergs
Norway's steep-walled fjords.
The ship carries kayaks and a fleet of Zodiac motorized landing craft,
as well as hydrophones, HD cameras, and sophisticated video equipment
that allows access to the underwater world. A remotely operated vehicle
projects images from the ocean's depths to screens in the lounge.
A full-time doctor, an undersea specialist, a photo instructor, a
video chronicler, and a wellness specialist accompany every voyage; and
Internet access and laundry service are available on board. Our captain
and officers welcome guests to the bridge in accordance with our "Open
Bridge" policy.
- See more at: http://www.nationalgeographicexpeditions.com/why/ships/explorer#sthash.qeCXrSZZ.dpuf